Relationship with Technology
My relationship with technology has always been a positive experience. From a young age, I always found myself technologically savvy and able to understand the foundation of this new creation. Technology is a massive piece of my life, in that it is where I am able to connect with my peers, complete my school work assignment, and keep up with the current news. Although this new innovation has brought me a plethora of advantages of being fully connected to the world at all times, there have been pitfalls that I have experienced. One of them is that I cannot go for more than 30 minutes to an hour, without it. Technology has fully absorbed my undivided attention during my teen, to adult years, and I only see it getting far worse as time goes on. In addition, my nighttime routine consists of at least a large of technology, and blue light. I have created a consistent habit of spending almost half an hour on social media platforms on my device, which have to lead me to sleep deprivation and not performing well my next day at school. The world that we live in today is heavily operated by technology, and if you are not that is not following the trend that everybody is following, then will be left behind. This is the life that we all live today, and we must accept, and adapt to the technological change.
The media plays a huge role in my life, especially with social media. Different media that is presented to me, informs me of what is going on in various parts of the world. It allows me to keep up with the public awareness, and public opinion. I enjoy the bits and pieces that the media provides me with, such as the giving me the opportunity to keep in touch with reality, and at any given moment, whether its facebook, Instagra, Snapchat, or Twitter, ill be able to find out the most recent news that has been released. It has fully eliminated traditional news, by having news that is mainly media based, that offers the same, if not more, information on what is going on in the world right now
The digital footprint,anything you share or do online, from visiting a website to interacting on social media, contributes to your own digital footprint. Everything you post, like, comment, and even repost, all gets traced, and put into a data vault. I find myself guilt with this, I always take the action of sharing content, or others influencers content, knowing the harm that is being done, creating my digital footprint. It is inevitable if you think about it, almost all functions that are done on social media that allows you interact with others will be tracked.The Digital Footprint
On a more important note, it is important to monitor what you put out on the media, because it could always get traced back to you. Unlike traditional media, non-traditional media can capture what you put out there, forever. Anything you do in life, whether applying to college, applying for that internship, or even pursuing a full-time job post grad, that digital footprint can either harm you, or help you. I have always kept my online reputation spotless, knowing the repurcussions that could follow when you decide not to. Whever I have the free time to google myself, I never find any shocking content, it is mainly my LinkedIn resume and my football highlight reel, this paints the image that I have a well-kept online footprint Thankfully, in my time within this course, I have learned how important it is to keep a clean and professional digital footprint, becoming aware that the digital footprint can always be traced back to you, and bite you later in your life at any given moment.
Wonders of Technology/Dark Side Videos
I truly found the videos of the Wonders of Technolgy and the Dark Side Videos very informative and educational. The one that I found myself resonating with the most, and was most accurate was the video on the dark side. Where I feel the relateabillity lies is the fact that everyone is absorbed in their own cellular devices, instead of taking in the gift of life. The sad part is that people are missing out on the joy and perks of life, but instead, we tend to be too involved within our technology leading to form these comparisons to other individuals that look all beautiful on our Instagram feed, that make us feel inferior. Throughout the video their is a scene, where the girl goes in front of the camera and looks beautiful, but then pulls out the view of the phone and clearly looks depressed. This has lead to many people committing suicide, and forming mental illnesses like anxiety and depression, in that social media and technology can promote negative experiences such as: Inadequacy about your life or appearance. As humans of the modern technology world, we are locked into our phones and are unaware of the real life that is infront of us. A very harsh reality.
Artifical Intelligence and Online Privacy
In regard to the A.I. documentary we were exposed to, along with online privacy videos, I was introduced to a lot more information than I thought I did. Artifical intelligence is advantageous factor in our lives, but yet is a disvantageous factor in other ways. It benefits us in that it presents us with faster-made decisions, along with actions that are far faster than human, while providing us with "human tasks, like language learning and customer service. On the downside, it puts us at risk for losing our jobs. Why pay employers to do a task, when a quick and adaptive machine or computer do it? This transformation is slowly becoming as smart, or if not smarter than human intelligence. As it frees up the human workforce to do work that they are better equipped for.
The privacy video was another piece of information that I was not aware of. We have no idea how much of our own personal data that we think is safe, but isn't. Whether its the emails that we send on the daily to our boss, our resume that we put on our Linkedin, and or the messages we send to our friends and family, it is someone else's hands. Their are preventative measures that must be take by the user, and or the government to prevent our own personal private data from being leaked. This idea fereightens me in that their is an immense amount of information about myself that I do not want out in the open. Everyday, we must be careful with how we display, and or send or information.
Friends and Family
On a more personal note, my friends and family are very tied into the technological world. My parents both work corporate jobs from home, that presents them the opportunity to dedicate an immense amount fo time online. Growing up, the were exposed to traditional media like the journalists, and the newspaper; but now that you can obtain your news through the click of a button with your iPhone, mac, or your iPad, it has made it always too accessible. In addition to that, my parents have Zoom and Webex meetings daily, so their life is fully absorbed in the online world.
The communication that is done with my friends, and my family is overall very connected, and positive. I enjoy the idea of being able to always be in contact with my peers and my core family at any given moment, especially at school. On the other hand, it has limited my privacy and my alone time. I constantly find my friends and family always knowing what I am doing, on any part of the day. It is too easy to track what people do these days, even with your family. Although technology has made my relationship with my friends and my family stronger than it is ever was, it has lead to a life to no privacy, and an open lens into my own personal life.
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