Thursday, December 8, 2022

EOTO Pt. 2, Reaction, Net Neutrality

    My second reaction to an EOTO that I found intriguing, and that I wanted to dedicate my reactive post to was Net Neutrality. Net neutrality in a sense is an Internet Service Provider must provide access to all sites, content, and application at the same speed that are under the same conditions without blocking or giving preference to any content. This EOTO was important to learn about considering it is the core principle that Internet service providers must treat all Internet communications equally. After learning about the Net Neutrality information, the main argument that has been formed in regard to it is that net neutrality regulations are deemed unnecessary because the internet developed amazingly well in their absence. In the presence of Net Neutrality, burdensome and overreaching regulations to govern the internet. 

    In relation to how net neutrality is vital in the business and educational field. It is important in the field of education because it ensures an online environment that is better suited for innovation, competition, and economic growth, there are troublesome implications for students and teachers in our country -- from preschool all the way through to higher education. Net Neutrality is one of the most important aspects of technology in education especially because it levels the playing field of opportunity for students. Moving more toward the way that Net Neutrality has been effective in that they are able to ensure that businesses are able to compete freely on the internet without having to pay gatekeeper rolls. Without Net Neutrality being present in business, consumers would look more like advertising segmented than an open marketplace. In addition, Net Neutrality ensures that you, not from a corporate monopoly standpoint, but from a user standpoint it allows the user to choose how you can access and use the internet in a protective matter.

    All in all, Net Neutrality was my favorite EOTO PT. 2 presentation from class, in the fact that I was able to learn an abundance of information about its importance in the school system, along with the business field. The importance of Net Neutrality is huge and allows the internet that we use every day to day open, and free. The presenter also did an excellent job of presenting and explaining the information to the audience, along with providing compelling images that relate to the importance that Net Neutrality has had in the world.

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