Wednesday, November 2, 2022

History & Workings of the U.S. Supreme Court, Reflection

    What I learned about the supreme court, that I did not know before was truthful, how much power they hold. The name of the "supreme court", has an immense amount of worship, respect, and power its name, but, you do not know the amount of responsibility and work that the 9-person justice system holds. I also learned that the supreme court deals with specific issues, that range from "safeguarding liberty, preserving the union, and upholding the rule of law." This work which is completed by the Supreme Court, completes all these responsibilities for one of the greatest countries in the world, the United States of America. I personally, was not made aware of the specificity that the supreme court must deal with on a daily, and how much power, and how much responsibility they have to take care of, year in and year out.


    The most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court is that not all cases that are sent to the Supreme Court, which are more than one hundred every week, are all fully accepted. As a U.S. I was under the impression that each case that is sent to the Supreme Court to be dealt with, was accepted and taken into action. Instead, each justice is assisted by a small staff of law clerks, and secretaries - "but then each of them is individually responsible for deciding each case". The takeaway would be that each case that is sent, is not fully dealt with, the law clerks and secretaries are responsible for accepting or declining each case that is sent out.         

    The most surprising thing that I learned about the Supreme Court, was the ceremony that each justice has gone through before serving their term. In the youtube video, former President Reagen nominates an elected justice who he feels best will guide this country in its best form, the nominee then raises his right hand to vow their future duties toward the constitution, and that they know they are primarily responsible for the law. I was fully surprised that they had to go through that entire process, and I was not aware of the presidents being present in their nomination, along with the oath that is followed, to demonstrate their future duties and to understand what they are responsible to do whilst their job working within the law. It is a real process, that each justices vowes to understand. 

This video changed the way I viewed the supreme court, in the way how they deal with a grand amount of cases and responsibilities that each justice is responsible for. From a surface-level perspective, I was only made aware of how long each justice's term was, what kind of work they did, and how many served on the court. I was not made aware at all, of what specific cases, responsibilities, and power this 9-person Supreme Court holds. This video changed my perception of how much power the Supreme Court gets, they have the most important role in creating a strong, and powerful foundation for the United States of America's Government. To know that they are fully responsible for upholding the rule of law,  along with preserving the union, was a shocking fact that I heard from this video that completely shifted my lens on how I viewed the supreme court as a court system, their responsibly, the information that all of them behold, and more importantly, the power that all 9 of them obtain. 

This video view on the Supreme Court fully introduced me to the work that is done every week for the Supreme Court, how many cases that they deal with daily, and how they can come to the decisions to see which ones will be accepted or declined. This was a video that was compelling to watch and shifted my view on how important, and monumental the Supreme Court truly is. 

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