The world that is operated through technology on a daily basis is constantly going through rapid changed. From day to day, there are more achievements that technology is making to become even more powerful than what it was yesterday. Although this innovation has generally brought us many good things to our lives, it has also posed a threat to society in ways that no one can imagine. The birth of Artificial Intelligence is starting to become a threat to human intelligence. In the documentary, "In the Age of AI (full documentary) | FRONTLINE", there is a clear demonstration that AI is "changing life as we know it--from jobs to privacy to a growing rivalry between the U.S. and China."
There is an immense amount of information to take away from the documentary, to start, what stood out to me was the "Sputnik Moment". "The Sputnik Moment", was the wake-up call that the government got that A.I. is a critical thing for the future and that the U.S. needed to catch up and can't let another foreign country, "beat us at our own game". China was and is approaching at a fast pace with artificial intelligence, and will look to catch up to the U.S. AI by 2025 and take over by 2030. This was surprising information that instantly caught my eye as to how much China has worked with the game of "Go", and how fast they are accelerating. The reason why this was surprising to me was that you always see the U.S. at the top of its game with technology, so to see another country operating at a faster pace, was eye-catching to me, and I'm sure with other viewers of the documentary. Interesting to watch what techniques and strategies this country, China, is working with to bring their Artificial Intelligence to the next level.On the other hand, it happens to be a bit frightening knowing that Artificial Intelligence is slowly taking over the world at a fast pace. Will AI be my competition when I enter the workforce? There are cases that are out there, that human intelligence will beat Artificial Intelligence, yet, this is still an intimidating threat that all employers must take into account, for their future. From what I was able to gather from the documentary, and outside research, was that Artificial Intelligence will begin to change the workplace and the work that humans jobs at their workplace. This innovation soon will be the takeover of humans jobs. What we can do to combat this change that is approaching, is to embrace it. Humans across the world are put at a threat with their jobs that will soon be taken over by technology, what can be done is that humans must find new activities that will provide them with the social and mental benefits of the job that they previously had. Companies going forward are going to have to change the way the job is operated by the employee, to prevent them from losing their job. Whether it's removing the mass amount of technology that is utilized, or conducting work that does not rely heavily on media work, precautions must be taken for these employers that have their jobs at stake. A.I. is taking over, and we need to find a way to adjust, adapt, and change.